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Enterprise – Identity, Credential and Access Management

The Enterprise – Identity, Credential and Access Management (E-ICAM) product office was established in January 2023 to establish a global, scalable, robust capability leveraging a single set of authoritative identity data to grant access to Army IT resources at the point of need, regardless of location, and set the foundations for the Zero Trust Architecture Framework.

Products and Services

  • E-ICAM is comprised of three services: Enterprise Access Management Services – Army (EAMS-A), the Army Master Identity Directory (AMID) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • EAMS-A is a Defense Information Systems Agency solution that intercepts traffic to Army applications for authentication and authorization purposes by validating end-user identity and permissions based on attributes in the AMID.
  • AMID is the Army's personnel database housing Department of Defense identity information pulled from the Defense Manpower Data Center, Integrated Pay and Personnel System – Army, Defense Civilian Personnel Data System and other DOD data sources.
  • MFA implements an alternative enterprise solution to replace username and password Single-Factor Authentication.

Emerging Capabilities

  • Identity Governance and Administration
  • Privilege Access Management