Home : Organizations : PM Tactical Network : Unified Network Capabilities and Integration
Unified Network Capabilities and Integration

Product Manager Unified Network Capabilities and Integration (PdM UNCI) consolidates tactical network integration efforts for current, evolving and future capabilities across Project Manager Tactical Network’s portfolio and broader Army network modernization efforts. PdM UNCI integrates new systems and technologies across multiple product offices and portfolios to reduce unintentional stovepipes, establish best practices, and provide a holistic approach to the delivery of a unified network. The product office supports the end-to-end integration of line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight tactical network transport systems and capabilities, including hardware such as basebands and network transport terminals, and software such as network and logistics management and cyber protection.   

PdM UNCI is in alignment with PEO C3T and Army Futures Command objectives, including the Army’s Network Modernization Strategy and the rapid two-year incremental Capability Set design, acquisition and fielding process. To coordinate the integration of emerging and future forward technologies, PdM UNCI conducts technology maturation efforts and ensures seamless transition from the science and technology community to Project Manager Tactical Network management. The product office’s system-of-systems network integration mission will alleviate unintentional stovepipe efforts and provide a cohesive, holistic approach to the delivery of a unified network in support of multi domain dominance.  

Modernization/Integration Efforts 

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