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Network Integration and Modernization

Product Manager Network Integration and Modernization (PdM NIM) formally assigns staff and resources to manage technical integration in support of the Army’s network modernization. The product office works across the PEO’s project management offices to promote synergy in planning, execution and risk management, and serve as a touch point for systems engineering, design, and testing. PdM NIM’s support aligns to the Army’s objective to define the minimum essential network capability required at echelon to fight and win in a LSCO environment for the Army of 2030, setting the conditions for a pivot to the Army of 2040. Leading up to the Army 2030 network designs, PdM NIM supported network design, development, testing, and fielding to infantry and Stryker brigade combat teams throughout FY21 – FY23, with added support to division as primary unit of action network designs in FY23 and is now supporting the Army’s three new focus areas for C2 On the Move, Mission Partner Environment, and Electromagnetic Signature Management. After completing a preliminary design for FY25 network designs, PdM NIM is implementing an even more iterative, agile approach, still backed by acquisition rigor; Soldier experimentation and feedback; and industry and S&T alignment, to identify formation and echelon appropriate network designs.