Home : Organizations : PM Tactical Radios : Waveforms

Product Manager Waveforms provides the warfighter with a suite of scalable and interoperable software products, enabling secure tactical communications, seamless networking, and real-time network management capabilities supporting the Army’s tactical radio portfolio.

Waveforms provides and sustains mobile and ad hoc networks, as well as network enterprise services to improve tactical warfighting capabilities. Waveforms enable Army tactical radio platforms to transmit voice and data securely across the battlespace.


  • SINCGARS waveform, currently under a modernization effort as part of the NSA DoD Modernization Effort. It provides warfighting commanders and troops with a highly reliable and secure voice and data handling capability in support of command and control operations.
  • SINCGARS Is integrated in ground and aviation platforms including the HMS PRC-158 and PRC-162 MP; PRC 148 and PRC 163 LR, RT-1523 series, PRC-152 series, and PRC-117 series.
  • The new SINCGARS waveform will include frequency hopping capabilities for use in mounted vehicle radios and the portable Manpack radio to securely transmit data within contested environments.
  • WREN waveform enhances network scalability, increases communication range, reduce spectrum foot print, and harden Electronic Warfare (EW) protection
  • Supports VHF, UHF and L-Band frequency ranges using 50 kHz,1.2 MHz, 3.6 MHz, and 10MHz+ Bandwidth
  • Provides simultaneous PLI and voice services
  • Two modes to address the Army’s existing and future Integrated Tactical Network (ITN) networking problems: WREN TSM - provides Spectrum Supportability, Point to point range of 3-5km. WREN-NB - provides enhanced Electronic Protection and Spectrum Supportability, for operations in contested and congested environments up to ~15km
  • Adopts TSM BRn (Barrage Relay networking) for extended range and fast frequency hopping.
enterprise Over The Air Management (eOTAM)
  • eOTAM is an Application Programming Interface (API) framework and radio service that simplifies network management and enables secure over the air monitoring and remote re-provisioning
  • Features a standardized and secure protocol defined by the Government to provide the ability to manage and securely monitor the Army’s tactical radios.